

I look out over the bar from a small stage in the corner, taking in the vibe. The house lights are turned up just enough for me to clock the faces in the audience. I’m nearing the end of my set, and the atmosphere is relaxed. Intimate. Perfect. I notice a server–lean, lithe, and limber,…


A sliver of light appears as the crate cracks open, and Vantha holds her breath. Or would, if she still breathed. The first thing she senses after an eternity of blackness is a man’s hands–calloused, but warm–inspecting her construction. She knows he doesn’t see anything but a weapon yet, but she sees his stormy eye…


You stumble into The Tempest’s Eye, a small shrine on Saltmaw Station, dedicated to the Sailor of Sky and Seas. Your forked tongue darts between your lips tasting the air, which smells strongly of frankincense, hinoki, and vetiver which rises in a curling plume of cool mist from the ultrasonic diffuser on the altar; mingled…

Runa’s Oath

Blood spills, and now my watch begins. It shall not end while I have breath. I shall take no life, do no harm, and suffer no injustice. I shall withhold no aid, and break no confidence. I shall impart my knowledge to all who would learn. I am the healer of sickness, The binder of…


I run for miles after escaping Yuki Onna’s frozen palace. My feet pound the frigid earth in time with my racing heart, which has not beaten so fast since the day she took me from my home. Bitter Cold nips at my heels, my toes, my face and fingertips, but I dare not build a…


The team sat around Chao’s shop, Herbal Outfitters, recuperating from their latest scuffle with things that go bump. A light haze of smoke drifted across the room from Chao’s corner, and swirled around the translucent figure of Olivia, the air spirit, making her momentarily visible. The feminine shaped vortex of air currents opened her mouth…


Lee pulled herself up to the top of the climbing wall in Saltmaw’s recreation facility and sprawled on her back, staring up at the domed ceiling. Tiny pinpoints of light dotted the expanse, breaking the monotony of infinite black, and reminding her how small she was in the scope of the cosmos. She lifted a…


Violet sat in her craft room, listening to one of those ‘Lo-Fi for Witches Only’ mixes in her earbuds as she looped yarn over her hook. Six inches of hand turned mountain ash, tapered to a 5mm tip, with an hourglass shaped grip, and an amethyst wand in the handle; the H hook was sanded…

Very Peri

I glide through the expanse of space, soundless as a fish underwater. The life suit surrounds my amphibious body like a whale’s blubbery hide, insulating me from the cold, dark vacuum. Humans call it black–this void between the stars–but it’s not their fault they perceive it so. Their eyes are not evolved for seeing in…

Wait For Me: Day 11

Content warning: Death, Grief Decades have blurred the memories and feelings of my earliest experience of grief and loss. I have vague memories of my first pet disappearing, and being left to wonder why he never came back, and of attending my great grandparents’ funerals. The first death that really impacted me was that of…


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