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I look out over the bar from a small stage in the corner, taking in the vibe. The house lights are turned up just enough for me to clock the faces in the audience. I’m nearing the end of my set, and the atmosphere is relaxed. Intimate. Perfect. I notice a server–lean, lithe, and limber,…


A sliver of light appears as the crate cracks open, and Vantha holds her breath. Or would, if she still breathed. The first thing she senses after an eternity of blackness is a man’s hands–calloused, but warm–inspecting her construction. She knows he doesn’t see anything but a weapon yet, but she sees his stormy eye…


You stumble into The Tempest’s Eye, a small shrine on Saltmaw Station, dedicated to the Sailor of Sky and Seas. Your forked tongue darts between your lips tasting the air, which smells strongly of frankincense, hinoki, and vetiver which rises in a curling plume of cool mist from the ultrasonic diffuser on the altar; mingled…

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